Practical advice on organizing your home – and other aspects of your life.

How do you feel as you look around your home?

As a Professional Home & Business Organiser, I organise and transform my client’s homes and I see first-hand how the space we live and work in significantly impacts our mood, productivity, and mental wellbeing. It’s hard to feel relaxed in a messy home, and many of my clients report they feel anxious and overwhelmed by the

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Holiday Packing

Top Tips For Packing Your Suitcase There is nothing worse than overpacking your suitcase when you go on holiday, hauling the suitcase around and then only wearing a fraction of the clothes. Let me share my top tips for packing for holidays. Before you pack your suitcase, work out how many days you will be

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Why It’s Important to Detach When We Declutter

Understanding the emotional attachment to our items. It’s normal to have emotional attachments to our items. You may have beautiful memories attached to your first concert ticket, feel guilty about the expensive dress you never wear and feel sad looking at something that reminds you of a loved one who has died. But if you’re

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Clean Your Digital Clutter

My 5-step Plan To Reduce Your Digital Clutter We complete many tasks now on our electronic devices – writing lists on our phone, sending emails rather than letters and creating word documents instead of filling notebooks. While this reduces paper clutter somewhat, it doesn’t take too long before our electronic devices run out of space

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Mindful Shopping

Your Four Step plan to becoming a Mindful Shopper Hands up who has bought an item (either online or in a shop), and as soon as it was purchased, you regretted buying it. I bet that most of us would have our hands up! Indeed, over the past two years, many of us bought an

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Appreciate and Care For Those Items You Love

Your 5-step plan “If you want a better home, make the one you have as nice as you can. If you want new furnishings, new clothing, don’t condemn or belittle what you have, but enjoy them to the fullest.” “Working with the Law”, Raymond Holliwell (1939). Holliwell understood when we appreciate our belongings, we take

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Setting Up The Kitchen: How Organising Can Ease Your Cooking

Three Easy Steps To Get Organised “Ease of cleaning is the criterion for kitchen storage. The best way to do this is to have no clutter on your kitchen work tops. If you are in a kitchen that is easy to clean, you won’t mind removing things from cupboards.” Marie Kondo The kitchen is usually

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Your 7-step Plan to Christmas Presents

Your 7-step Plan to Christmas Presents I love Christmas, I love the atmosphere in the shops, and I get excited at sound of the first Christmas jingle. In the run up to Christmas, it is easy to get carried away buying presents for our loved ones. Some of us will be super organised and buy

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Living Spaces: Creating A Home that Sparks Joy

Living Spaces: Creating A Home that Sparks Joy We all know a house is not a home. Well, not at first anyway. A house can provide shelter, it can make us feel secure and safe from outside forces. But what makes a house a home, is when one takes the time to make a space

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Decluttering with Intention to Create Our Ideal Life

Decluttering with Intention to Create Our Ideal Life The simple act of decluttering can have a profound effect when done with intention. But why must we complicate it when we’re simply decluttering to “organise” our lives?  It’s like cleaning dirty floors. We do it to keep our homes tidy. When we declutter with a clear

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